Safety Sheath for Your Axe

by Phil Rowe
Some of us learn too late that carrying around a sharp axe can be a dangerous thing to do. Whether walking about with an axe enroute to the chopping job or driving around with a sharp axe in the car or truck, we often don't take the simple precautions to avoid injury.

One such precaution could be ensuring that a simple leather sheath is placed over the axe blade any time that the axe is not being used. Toward that end I have designed and fabricated several examples of such a leather axe sheath.

My axe sheath is quite simple to make. All it takes is a bit of leather, some rivets and a length of hook and loop fastener (VELCRO). One of these sheaths, shown in the accompanying pictures, works well on single blade axes. Two are needed for double-bladed axes.

These sheaths slip on and off quickly. A few seconds taken to slip one on your axe could prevent you or those around you from being needlessly injured. It's a low-cost insurance policy.